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Daddy Bear (a.k.a. DB or Ramon)

English (or more accurately) Cornish and Filipno at heart.
Gardener/In-house IT Expert/Handyman/Laundromat/Dishwasher
Uncontrollable dancer, self-proclaimed performer, and laugh-out-loud joke teller.
Hearty Laugher, "Big" Thinker, Creative and Musical Director, Website Manager, and Graphic Genius. COO. The Crazy Bear.

Mummy Bear (a.k.a. MB or Ida)

The bear who's in charge a.k.a. D' Boss Bear (LOL...Capisce...)
Filipno by birth but bear in nature. Good looking, grizzly if poked, loving, and cheerful.
Lets DB think he's in charge but always wears the trousers. As they say, behind every great Daddy Bear is always a Mummy Bear that puts him there and keeps him in his bubble.
Editor. Techie. CEO.


Team Bear (Ramon & Ida)  

Together since 2017. Married since 2019.
Husband and wife team bringing you content to learn from
in two different languages. . .LOL (or at least we will try to)

Team of Destruction - Foodies, Fixers, Techies, Explorers
Two Bears. One Mission.
Share what we learned from our mistakes and discoveries.

- Team-Bear